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Lynne Lloyd

You and I have been sucked into the virtual world of the Internet and digital applications by promises to make our lives easy, convenient, time and cost efficient. We live, work, do business, socialise and connect with others in virtual space.

Yet the way the online world has become intrinsic in our lives is kindergarten compared to what is happening right now. We have entered the era of artificial intelligence (A,I.). It is no exaggeration to say artificial intelligence is aiming to take the human out of humanity.

A.I. is an urgent pressing issue across the board. It is affecting the creators of our means of human expression, our art forms. A.I. is a dire threat to all creators, the artists, writers, and musicians.

A.I. is anathema to human creativity and autonomy. The word itself gives it away: it is artificial and therefore inauthentic. It is an algorithm on a gigantic scale. It is not human, unlike art:

'Art is human. It comes out of human experience, human connections, and human emotions.'

Producing art, whether at an amateur or professional level, is difficult; it is often a struggle to get the vision in our heads down on the page, the canvas, or in the musical score. We have to go back and write another draft, change the song's structure, paint over something that doesn't work. It never ends. We have to tear up our work, throw it out and start again. To produce something meaningful, something that satisfies our soul, we have to go way beyond easy and effortless.

In the video (above), Andrew Tischler explains why A.I. is bad for visual artists which also applies to writers. He makes his arguments under the following headings:

  • The Human Struggle

  • Art and Human Connection

  • The Process of Painting

  • Production of Art is Fundamentally Human

Beware the siren call of A.I. which is 'Don't fret, let us help, it's easy. You don't have to think, or keep trying to get it right, or come up with a solution of your own. We have what you need, it's all here and you will receive in seconds.'

For writers, it is tempting to dip our toes into the A.I. pond which is precisely why we must have our guard up against its inducements. 'Let us help you; you can edit what the A.I. program produces; you don't have to select the titles the A.I. spits out, you can choose your own title, you can write your own blurb if you don't like the selection the A.I. produces,' and so on.

'Go on, you deserve it, take a little bite out of this juicy apple.'

One day it's a bite, next it's the whole apple, and before long it's the whole bag of apples.

Now is the time to make your choice as a creative, and in this article I am thinking of writers. It is time to decide whether you will permit A.I. to become part of your creative process. It is important to make a proactive decision and not let A.I. creep into your process. On the website - - a couple of months ago, I drew my line regarding A.I.. I added my policy statement which is not to use A.I. in my book editing practice. I will continue to use my own brain which is not infallible but it's mine and I trust it.

If we don't use our brains to create, to struggle and to make our human art, we risk losing our human gifts of imagination and creativity.

Doing the write thing (and lovin' it!) : -)


Lynne Lloyd

Managing Editor and Publisher

LLOYD MOSS publishing

Telephone/Text 0421 998 749

LLOYD MOSS editing and publishing is an author services consultancy providing writing, editing and publishing services to writers around Australia. We work with writers at different levels of experience and who have a variety of objectives for their writing. Our services include manuscript appraisal, structural editing, copyediting, proofreading, and self-publishing, From a messy handwritten manuscript to a beautifully-produced book, we are in your corner, guiding, supporting and encouraging you all the way. How can we help you?


1 Comment

Sep 28, 2023

AI is a great research tool. It has access to almost every data source that exists and can search and respond very quickly when asked a question. What AI tools like ChatGPT can't do is write like you and me. If asked to write a story, it writes like a research assistant giving facts with no real human emotion. It can help me gather data for my writing, but it can't write with my voice. Thank goodness!

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